Malva Crothers, a patient at Masconomet Healthcare Center, is recovering from various hip surgeries. Masconomet is her fourth rehabilitation facility in two years, as some of the other area facilities she spent time at did not meet her expectations.
“I was at one facility where you could just tell the people were not happy to be there – the energy was just so bad. I was there for six weeks and I cried almost every day.”
When she was looking for a rehab facility, she first was struck by Masconomet’s rating on Google. But she knew in order for it to work for her, it would need to have more than a high star rating.
Malva knew she had made the right choice when she, her family and staff that would be working with her, all sat down to talk about her care plan as a team. No other rehab facility had done that with her before.
She had nothing but good things to say about Masco. “If ever I was to imagine a more perfect setting, it would be Masconomet. From the CNAs to the person who answers the phone, and everyone else. The attentiveness is 150%.”
In between substitute teaching and raising three boys, Malva spent 25 years working in radio marketing and copywriting. She said If she were to come up with a positioning statement for Masconomet it would be, “Masconomet – Beyond Your Expectations.”
Malva, we are so happy that Masconomet could be a positive step in your recovery journey and wish you all the best!