Whittier Health Network
Westborough Rehabilitation Hospital
Rebecca Roman, MSPT
Specialty: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Rebecca Roman is a graduate of Boston University’s graduate program. She has over 15 years of experience and has been with Whittier since 1999.
Meet Our Awesome Team!
Prabhasadanam Sadhujan, MD, Staff Physician
Whittier Health Network Westborough Rehabilitation HospitalPrabhasadanam Sadhujan, MD Staff Physician Specialty: Internal Medicine Dr. Prabhasadanam's specialty is Internal Medicine/Sleep Medicine.Meet Our Awesome Team!
Deborah Dennison, RN, Clinical Liaison
Whittier Health Network Westborough Rehabilitation HospitalDeborah Dennison, RN Clinical Liaison Specialty: Clinical Liaison Deborah has been a Registered Nurse for over 25 years and graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University and Framingham Union School of Nursing. She...