Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital Westborough Patient Testimonial Hi Becky, for the last 5 weeks I have received Therapy services for my Labrium and tightness in my left side. The condition was painful and restricted my daily activities. After 5 weeks of rehab,...
Port Healthcare Center Patient Testimonial “To the entire staff at Port Healthcare and the hospice team from Harborside, My family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful care and compassion you showed our dad Ernie Z. Though he wasn’t with you...
Oak Knoll Healthcare Center Patient Testimonial Dear people of Oak Knoll — Recently you allowed me to see my sister Kay M. even though there was a case of Covid on her floor. You made arrangements to bring her down to the activity room for our visit. We took...
Oak Knoll Healthcare Center Patient Testimonial Good Morning Brooke, I’m Linda P., I am here in Dedham with my parents Mike and Trudy. We are here spending time with my father’s sister, Carol who has been in your facility for about a month now. Your facility...
Sippican Healthcare Center Family Testimonial I must comment on what an excellent job Ann O’Connell-Bishop and her staff in the Activity Department do to entertain and care for the residents of Sippican Health Care! Her planning of a wide range of...
Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital Westborough Patient Testimonial Dear Ms. Roman, our brief note here cannot begin to express how grateful we are for Merle’s care at Whittier. Every aide, receptionist, nurse and doctor contributed to Merle’s recovery with a sense of...